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I'm back on the Drew and Mike Show to talk about yesterday's Stuttering John episode. He discusses the IQ test against Anthony Cumia that Drew is willing to put up money for followed by John's anger towards me. Then John shows off with his music / comedy chops. Amazing!

After that we're on to the main topic, AJ and Meadow Soprano's new podcast called Not Today Pal. This show is on the Your Mom's House network and features all the producers who laugh their asses off at EVERYTHING! As Drew would say, it's an easy laugh factory in this studio. 

We finish up with Opie declaring he's superior to everyone else while being noticeably worse and having way fewer viewers and listeners. 




Live From WoodPanel Square Garden


John’s Song- ‘Smoke a fatty, eat two patties, Special Sauce, Pickles, onions, on sesame seed bun.’


Fatty and Patty. Sure… that’s brilliant but had he added boombalatty. I mean. Come on. MEGA-BOOM!!!!!


Drew needs to be a WATP guest co host. Please convince this man to do it!!


He’s the only one of these fuckers that doesn’t orgasm over a $4.99 superchats.