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We're starting a new podcast about broadcasters and how much they suck. From local newscasters to political pundits to sportscasters, we're covering all of it. 

We start with local meteorologists which is maybe the easiest job in the world. Then over to sports including John Sterling's lame homerun calls, a WNBA game, and Duane Kuiper's trip to the museum. 

There's also local news, talk shows, Nancy Grace on twinks, politics, and much more. 

You can also watch it here: https://youtube.com/live/6nzv5Ad5e7I




Great topic and perfect choice of cohost. Christian has always had an almost Producer Chris ability to wryly crack quips and jokes without talking over Karl or anyone else. And he brings in tons of great clips no matter the show/topic. Can't wait for him to start 'Who Are These Improvs?' to really make poor Karl and Chris writhe in pain


No Trucker Andy? WTF bro, oh I’m pissed!! Lol….What up L Tight Box w cha fly self?


Duane Kuiper is the Giants announcer. Glen Kuiper dropped the N bomb. F John Fisher


Kevin Brennan just said he wants producer Chris on MLC. Get him on the show


When are we getting Who are these pornstars?


This is a no for me dog…

Ion Force

Anyone else feel like Karl has too many cooks in the kitchen? He's going to spoil the broth. Between WATP and The Creepoff, WATS, PEEPOD, Drew and mike, The isotopes, cumias cucks, etc ... How does Karl find time to sleep? Focus!


Love all things related to or under the WATP umbrella. P Chris is a sniper.

Blart Sampson

Media deconstruction show?? Guess I’ll find out and report back to crankpot and buzzkill

Davey Dee

this... needs work


loved this. anything is better than dabble talk at this point. i wouldn't abandon the concept, theres infinite material here.

Chris Holm

I normally like the "Who are these..." side projects like Socials and the mini episodes. But this was just, "Hee Hee Haw Haw, Hey, Blatt cast, let's just talk about Sports." Ok, I get it, you guys like sports. 15 minutes in and I just had to nope out.


Let's not do this again.