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We're celebrating John's return to the internet this week with more from my favorite book ever written. Join us at 7p ET.


Bonus #55 - Easy For You To Say (Part 15) Livestream

We're celebrating John's return to the internet this week with more from my favorite book ever written. Join us at 7p ET.



This might be entertaining and all, but let's not forget that Stuttering John is a totally disgusting human being.


I hate that Karl and Shuli are being nice and willing to pay that loser. He brags about how rich he is, but he has to be paid to come on their shows. Yesterday on Chad’s show John said he only had 3 beers and he was so hammered that he could barely keep his eyes open during the last hour. He’s a fucking liar


I've listened to SJ brag and boast about his talent as a writer and announcer on "The Tonight Show'. What he doesn't say outright (probably due to shame and embarrassment) is after Jay left, NONE of his friends there appear to have recommended him for other writing gigs. The world is no longer dependent on network shows content - HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV (to name a few) are churning out new shows consistently. Former friends of SJ (like Rich Tallarico) are still in the industry working and making a living. Yet SJ, with all of his AMAZING talent and ability, can't work in the industry? It goes to show just how lightning struck twice in his life (HSS, Tonight Show), yet he failed to appreciate and use those opportunities to further his or his family's life.


"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” — Jonathan Swift