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Join Blind Mike, Producer Chris, and me at 2p ET as we learn a lot more than you'll want to know about Khalyla and Annie Lederman.


Ep418 - Trash Tuesday w/ Annie & Esther & Khalyla (Livestream)

Join Blind Mike, Producer Chris, and me at 2p ET as we learn a lot more than you'll want to know about Khalyla and Annie Lederman.



Willing to bet not ONE superchat will be read


Finally one without Andy. He is outstaying his welcome fast with how much he was on the last few weeks


hopefully not sarcasm. please no superchats...


Andy is great. What do you want steel toe? I'd rather jackoff with a fistful of broken glass , than see or hear that jerkoff!!!!


Variaty is the spice of life. Less Andy more others. Never stated anything about steeltoes


And idea when the full episode will be available ?


Let’s talk shit!!!


This show was okay in the beginning. Until Bobby Lee was always off-camera shrieking like a homo at every joke.


I'd much rather you just take a vacation and not put out subpar episodes. Karl definitely deserves a break.




Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. It is a comic account of a woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex.

LC Brock

I've seen clips of people ripping into TIgerbelly, and Khalyla's antics and dubious stores and the LA comedy scene podcasts really are mostly worthless. It's either people laughing too hard at each others attempts at jokes then they turn a little serious for a bit to discuss their issues with therapy-speak they picked up from their endless sessions or it's like this show, everyone tripping over their numerous non-sequiturs and rarely, if ever, coming close to a point.


i'd hang out with ester - badabingggg


i dont think its any more alcohol then Chad normally drinks i think he did some Adderall and it mixed with the regular amount of Alcohol fucked him up because if you watch even though he sluring his eyes moving quick when hes going to do stuff hay but what do i know im not a card stealing lying thief so


I cannot believe how excited I just got (It’s almost embarrassing) to hear that stuttering John might be coming back. Even though I have 3 kids, I completely forgot about the school year being over. Makes perfect sense. What a treat.


Hey Karl, so why didn’t you play my message on the show?!! Are you too afraid to share the news about how you’ve impregnated one of your fans? Btw, I thought you said you had a vasectomy done 5 yrs ago. Anyways, call me back, or don’t. Doesn’t matter really, because there’s no getting out of your obligations to your child, as I’ve decided I’m going to have this baby. Even though you lied to me about the vasectomy, and likely when you said you loved me like no one you’ve ever known, I still have deep feelings for you. So with that said, I hope you do call me back once the initial shock is over. Love always, Walter xoxo Ps that person who called in offering to pay 3x the amount for a ticket as well as a blow job, is my younger, more feminine sister. Be careful with that as she’s even more fertile than I.


The best thing ever said about Esther is when Bobby Lee said: "You look like Tim Burton drew you..."


We need more of a breakdown of the Tiger Belly saga