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It's that time again, time to check back in with Stuttering John's autobiography, the book that makes you wonder, "how's it going to end?" The answer - great. We left off with John calling Chelsea Handler ugly. Which is ironically hilarious. 

The first chapter we tackle is John calling out Bruce and Kris Jenner. "You have to understand, Kris Jenner always wanted to be famous." Somehow that chapter turns into one of John's horrible stand up bits. I'd love to talk to Suzanner about these pages.

Then we talk about Conan O'Brien stealing the Tonight Show from Jay Leno. Wait, is that what happened? No, it's not. But John thinks so. He's a retard. 




Thank you for uploading another easy for you to say episode, stopped me from finishing my noose.

Kilgore Trout

We need to raise money to have John write a new book


Good grief, SJ is so gross and it’s not just because it’s SJ. The stuff he writes about (e.g. graphic birth jokes) is so GD disgusting. Despite my disgust, we need SJ to write a sequel! WATP’s analysis is so good


Dude, take a day off. There’s too much of a good thing. Besides, I’m guessing you have a life outside of this.


Ok I need to add to this. Teaching, even a substitute, is a noble profession.


It is also a profession for lots of lazy people getting by on minimal effort. So, great fit for our "noble" hero.


Every profession is noble, not just the cliched ones like teaching, nursing, military, police…

LC Brock

SJ spent a lot of money he really shouldn't have because he thought his being a fixture in the entertainment industry was assured and the money would never dry up, just like he thought he'd have years more of hanging out with famous people to enjoy.

Paul Chaney

I love the Alex Stein appearance man




Did John sell that signed box of Wheaties?

Derek from Texas

https://youtu.be/xffb2xcAAdQ Fuckin amazing. Still. Like Seinfeld or the Sopranos, just give it a little bit of time. A couple months, years, whatever, and then enjoy the shit out of it like you’re seeing it for the first time all over again


Bad news, Karl's awesome wife loves shitting on StutJo too. So that "life outside of this", very likely also involves goofing on the b.o. king.


So is being an Uber driver. What is NOT noble is being a pathological liar, which John has been all his life. And let's think for a moment how John would treat his comic pals or former co-workers if he found out THEY were either drivers or teachers. John would never stop goofing on them. As usual, John gets no sympathy, because he simply doesn't deserve it.


The worst part about John's horrid lifestyle the last few years, is him having all those memories of how amazing it used to be (amazing for a nothing like John). Artie said it best, "if John didn't stutter he'd be pumping gas in Massapequa".

Jacob Marsee

lol you bringing up another lolcow (Dick Masterson) unironically is hilarious