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Join Adam Hughes, me and possibly Ray DeVito as we check out how two attractive comedians struggle through life. 2p ET.


Ep412 - Good For You with Whitney Cummings (Livestream)

Join Adam Hughes, me and possibly Ray DeVito as we check out how two attractive comedians struggle through life. 2p ET.



Stop having Hughesy on, he's absolutely awful every single time.


I bet Ray thinks Whitney is a good guy


Seconded. I can't understand a fucking thing coming out of his mouth. Maybe he's funny, but it's hard to tell.


Why help Chad


Homerun Hughesy strikes again! Whitney CumGuzzler is unappealing on every level. Looks, laugh, comedy she’s just useless SJW just like Mike Morris


That's Cardiff for me. I groan with disgust whenever Karl has him on. But... what can ya do?


Snitches get stitches. Reporting channels is cancel culture. I appreciate Karl helping Chad. In this case the reasons for the strike might be legitimate, that doesn't change the fact that he deserves to defend himself. We are getting away from legal systems to digital lynch mobs.


Chad was telling people to report Kevins you tube for days and it backfired .. now he wants to whine and get help !!! F him


"boo hoo stop having this person on, I DON'T LIKE THEM" then take off your patreon


Chad tried to mess up Rochester show. He steals car parts and sells them


This was boring


For someone with such loose lips it’s pretty surprising she had a thing with showing her feet…. Daddy issues much? Just wait till she hears about the armpits lol


Probably an unpopular opinion, but out of the 5 or 6 more frequent guest co-hosts, Hughezy (& Mike) are by far my favorites


All these years later, and I still can't listen to hugesy speak. I'm sure he has some tragic story to tell, in regards to his marshmallow mouth.


Ahh fucken Hughesy again, that’s all we need!!!


Hughezy is fuckin great.


Team Hughezy over here 👋🏻


I really liked him in this episode. I also can understand him fine and I'm German, so I think it's a bit exaggerated by most people.


Parody songs should take 40 seconds max, we get the joke after the first chorus. IMO watching people sit in silence for 3 minutes while listening to a karaoke-level unfunny audio song is Cringe of the Week every time.


I agree - the only time I enjoy a long parody is when Doug from Who's Right is on, and you can see the pain in his face as the song drags on and on.


Chad deserves everything thats coming to him because of that and telling everyone to strike channels if they don't like someone. But stooping to Chad Level hasn't done anyone any good, especially not Chad. So take the high road makes it easier to spit on him...


I’ve hated hughezy ever since the episode he came on and wouldn’t quit farting. He was ok in this one but Cardif has been funny since day 1.


Forget about those reviews from Apple and Spotify. Nobody is listening on Apple Podcasts. Just read the comments/reviews off of here. (From the paying customers.)


Ray contributed absolutely nothing. He either didn’t know, or couldn’t talk about. And he looked scared of the drunk guy


Hughezy was fantastic in this. Those dry hits or misses had me laughing my asses off. Lots of hits today.


The second Kevin starts to like u, u start helping chad? Karl are u fucking stupid?


Imagine being such a friendless piece of shit like Chad you have to beg people you hate for help.


"I do like her costume she's worn for this episode, she's dressed as the puppet from SAW" HAHAHAHAHAHA fuck I love Hughezy


Whitney impressed me on her Legion Of Skanks appearance when she rolled with it and was able to hang with the guys.


Oh I'm still here.