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I went on the BS Show with Shuli Egar, Bob Levy, and Mike Morse this morning to discuss the recent beef between Shuli and me, Bob's future with Misery Loves Company, and the beef between Mike Morse and me. 

If you want to watch the full video, it starts with Producer Joe explaining his arrest and embarrassing incident that was revealed by MutteringJ on Twitter yesterday. 





Producer joe is a complete piece of shit


Goddamn it I joined shuli's Patreon again just for this episode!! Dumbass haha


Everything in this interview is why so many people dislike Shuli. He has an obvious crutch while podcasting. He uses his tough guy New Yorker stand up hack voice to try to get a laugh and it's always preceded by saying "I'll tell you that". He does this over and over again. Also, the only reason Mike Morse is on his show is to provide laughter after every hack Shuli joke. That's it. Once you notice it you can't unhear it. Stephen Crowder has a guy who does this exact thing and it's infuriating


??? Really??? Wow Karl you really stuck it to them. All the shit talk on watp and you just lay down like a smile talking $2 whore. What kind of namby pamby bs was that? You seriously reminded me of a MSM reporter throwing softballs to corrupt politicians with no follow ups. I listened to the audio version and i didn't even know Mike Morse was there. I thought he chickened out and flaked on the show.... turns out you did. Over the past few weeks you've had the biggest problem with HIM and you don't even address him till there's 15 minutes left on the show.... and..... wait for it.... you don't press him at all. Even if you don't want a feud and want to have a working relationship with them.... NOTHING??? And then to have the smug audacity to call out a chatter saying they must have missed you hashing everything out an hour ago..... what hashing?? Where was the hashing?? Nothing but a suckfest. This is what happens when the germans align with the jews. I'm starting to wonder why i give you money every month.

Andrew M Aldrich

Shuli acts as if he had SUCH a HUGE long running beef with John that he just HAD to do Uncle Rico. Seriously? Even if he did to steal the bit WATP developed over 3-4 years was lame. LAME! He thinks he is such a big deal because he was employed by Stern that HIS show would be a much bigger deal. OH…and “3 professional comedians ragging on John vs that Rochester Nobody that wastes time PREPARING a show” is NOT the same thing. Arrogant.

James Jones

Wow these guys are fucking boring


Well that was boring. Karl move on from this. Seriously, why does that Levy think he is regarded as legend? Very common person speaking into a microphone……………. Next!! Karl please.


I watched from when Karl came on then switched off after 10 minutes. Too much boring talk from Shuli - what a horrible listen


It’s guess now he’s got an in with some Stern folks etc he doesn’t want to break up The Beatles. We’ve known for a few years that nobody is spending money to go see Shuli, Levy or Cumia, but there a lot of lazy 50somethings who are happy to send superchats.


I respectfully disagree. I've never been mad at Shuli, I called him on his BS and explained why people like Bryan Johnson don't like him. And ignoring Mike was my game plan all along because he's an NPC. When they asked me about it I gave a number of reasons why he sucks. And he had nothing.

Avg Kracker

Karl, you smile talking motherfucker! Some people are saying you laid down like a $2 whore but I disagree. Do I think you’re an arrogant prick sometimes? Yes. But this was masterful! I thought you did a great job addressing what was said. UR didn’t have an answer other than I’m sorry you’re right. I’m not a Shuli fan but to his credit he apologized. It’s not like he has a choice. If he wants to stay relevant he’s going to need people like yourself. If Mike Morris was any type of comedian, he would’ve tried to get a joke or 2 in. He sat there looking more retarded than Ray. Bob was his usual delusional self. Fuck me your fight me! They chose to make sweet love


My God, every comment is a fucking essay. You held your ground with Mike and shuli. Nobody can be mad at Bob for much, I will say he was weird enough to break the ice in certain parts of this episode. S and M gave some weak answers to certain questions from u,, fuck it. You said your peace. Nice one. Where IS NEXT INSTALL FROM EASY FOR YOU TO SAY.????


Lol… Right out of the gate Karl thanks Shuli and Bob for the invite while totally ignoring the other guy. Holy shit that was hilarious!


Good show all around. I was hoping Karl would ask Mike Morse why he is an Epstein denier. Dude is a creeper. Kevin Spacey vibes bigtime. He’s such a freak he probably thinks Lucy Tightbox is a dog!!


Can’t stand to listen to Shuli. Did Karl bust mike morse’s balls, or did he cuck out and fence ride?

Travis Wilson

Nice of Shuli to plug the Creepoff. Somebody has to


I'm paying for quality bonus episodes not an hour plus of you sucking off Shuli.


For the record : shuli. Is a passive agressive. Prick. Hate the twat. He means nothing he says and is trying to rope WATP into doing another show aas they need Karl . Due to the fact they did a shit show . Ducking hate them. I had to stop watching as his voice goes through me . Plus he picked on artie


Ps : don’t enable these cunts Karl


Pps : hi Jenny jingles from the UK


Ppps : I fucking hate shuli


The smug shuli showed himself once againnn! gotta love it! "I tried to help Kevin Brennan"


God, this was awful. Shuli is doing this creepy thing where he compliments you, but somehow also treats like you a kid and describes your own show to you. I don't know how to put it, it really creeps me out. It's like you're not in the room.


Hello, this is Mike's mom. Karl is being mean to Mike and Mike doesn't understand what he did wrong.


You DIDNT ask him about it it Mr. Burger.... you spoke in generalities. Nothing specific. Why wouldn't you call him out on the specific things he said after all the shit talk on watp? That was your master plan all along?? Wooowww great plan. Very entertaining for the listeners.


Listening to the ever arrogant Shuli grovel apologetically to Karl in an effort to stay in with the kool kids was priceless!!! or at least worth the $5 Patreon. Shuli’s tone sure is different after the Pottstown Meltdown.


Let’s take a vote… Which would you rather have… Uncle Rico gone and Stuttering John back? Or More Shuli? I vote for Stuttering John! And yes I blame the pile on from Uncle Rico for John fleeing Podcasting when he did. Yes Karl had been at it for 3-4 years but in Johns demented world view, Karl was a nobody he could ignore while Shuli was more relevant and more personal, because you know…Howard Stern. When Shuli first decided to jump on the John train, it seemed big and awesome because he was gonna bring the dirt from under Johns fingernails, but that never happened did it? No! Why? Because Shuli is a half-funny hack!


Yeesh… an awful lot of bitterness in these comments. Personally I loved it, laughed so hard a few times I was worried that the people working in the office above mine would complain 😂 but, whatever…!


Good on Karl I guess? for forgiving Shuli. Shuli couldnt take accountability for ANYTHING he did even when Karl brought it up. What a total coward. Hes the "Are we good man?" kinda douche that wants to constantly go for the throat then get defensive when heat comes their way. He just realized hes total garbage after the pottstown debacle and Karl def gave him the kiddie gloves instead of curb stomping him with some WATP episodeswith shulis "Network" there are so many episodes that could be made lol. Bryan Johnson is the hero of this whole thing.

Derek from Texas

I take back what I said earlier. You did a decent job Karl. Shuli did apologize multiple times. On another note, and someone said this a couple shows ago, and it’s so fuckin true.…….. listening to this whole assortment of people, and “drama” in this dabble verse is extremely entertaining and fascinating to me. AND, No one else in my real life has any idea about any of this shit! Especially the guy sitting next to me in the work van, trying to make sense of what the fuck these people are rambling on about. This thing you created is fuckin amazing.