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We have a drama free fun one today. A couple of former radio guys who don't like breakfast cereal, THEY LOVE IT! Join us at 5p ET.


Ep409 - Cereal Killers (Livestream)

We have a drama free fun one today. A couple of former radio guys who don't like breakfast cereal, THEY LOVE IT! Join us at 5p ET.



Are you gonna put the newest MLC up?


Im with Trucker Andy, Community is awesome. Im excited for the episode but ive seen enough of Dan Harmon having cringe moments recorded to be prepared lol.


Oh god I hope so. I watched it through Chad's snipe, but, holy shit, that was not ideal and I really don't give enough fucks about MLC to pay for that episode (Although, I probably will if Karl doesn't post)


REALLY good episode, y'all! Holy shit, Scott and Andrew have 0 awareness - like, at all. That show is miserable. I really don't get how these shows ever have >5 episodes...how do they not realize they're putting on a terrible show? Also, cool bonus to know that Richy Dreyfuss is all about some kinky ass shit. Haha...


MLC, pre-Karl, was so shitty. I don't get how MLC/KB doesn't understand that Levy is an anchor. I know a lot of folks like him, but he provides next to nothing on any show he's on. I hate to be a drag on BL, but, holy shit, he provides next to 0 value. I'm of the opinion that Mike Morse, comedian extraordinaire, should be on all shows....that dude's laugh makes me laugh and his props are 10x carrot top. Did y'all see him dressed up as a woman and picking on a clearly autistic person? Wow, that was truly next level and who doesn't like to pick on mentally disabled people? KB - I don't know Mike's price, but he's priceless! And, Karl, if you really want to take WATP to the stratosphere and be the next Joey Rogan, you know what you need to do: Hire Michael McMannis Morse!


1:43:00 - Fuck you, you cock-eyed bitch. The first three seasons of COMMUNITY are fucking amazing. And even the lesser seasons still had moments of absolute genius in them.


I thought Dreyfus was some raging TDS Libtard like his buddy Rob Reiner. If he has the nerve to criticise Hollywood moronic diversity laws then maybe there's hope for him.


Couldn’t agree more. Being a cis-gender post-op transsexual that identifies as non-binary and goes by the pronouns of ze and zey, if Rich doesn’t support me I’m gonna be pissed.


Another classic "give em andy so they don't notice Cumia's goons took out Cros" episode


Brian just making sure there is plenty of TiTs on the show calm down KARL


up the volume 12dB please


This is making me angry.... More than the usual Podcast.....THANK YOU FAWK YOU, BYE!