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Join Kaya, Producer Chris, and me at 5p ET as we learn about sissies and doms. Also stuff I didn't get to in Philly and AI reviews.


Ep405 - The Sissy Whisperer (Livestream)

Join Kaya, Producer Chris, and me at 5p ET as we learn about sissies and doms. Also stuff I didn't get to in Philly and AI reviews.



Mike Morris defended Epstein on Shuli YouTube Chanel a month or so ago. He’s so creepy about Pedo stuff it’s frightening. Why would anyone be pro Epstein? He should be into Lucy Tightbox like a real man….

John Anderson

Because they love kids!

John Altwies

I’m a Rico fan. I’m a patreon subscriber. BUT, Karl is funnier than the 3 of them combined and WATP’s John segments are the best of the best. I have to imagine the fact that they are pre-planned and more focused on smaller handpicked portions of John’s content is why it is ABSOLUTELY BETTER and MORE FUNNY. I never wanted to have to compare or pick a winner, but since Shuli brought it up, I’ll point out the obvious. How could Shuli misinterpret what Karl said so drastically? Just from watching WATP it’s so clear to me that Karl would never be so petty to give a shit what any other show is doing or talking about. When Shuli had the thought that “Karl is attacking me and my show” he should’ve instantly thought “ wait a minute, that can’t be possible. Let me watch that again and see how I may have misunderstood” what a dope.

clean crevice

the conflict is gonna make for some great rayyddiiooo

clean crevice

I missed what mike even said?


Soon as I the that potato, I'm out. Fool me once shame on you , fool me twice. Well you know the rest.


Shuli is the biggest hack and his content is terrible, im glad to see some friction, wouldnt it be epic to see the Shuli network flop and then john comes back when hes on summer vacation from his teaching job

Dr Steve

“Itty bitty clitty committee” is simply enraging


Mike should have retired gracefully after giving the world 'ralphy cakes' .


Agreed. There is value in people reacting to a clip for the first time and new people being exposed to John's foolishness, but I prefer it when the person playing material knows what they are playing so they know when to stop it / clip it, give context and don't miss things doing it live.

Derek from Texas

Big big mistake from Shuli. Soooooo, let me explain this…. Shuli got a lot of hate FOR YEARS mainly because of……. His crying and bitching and moaning about Artie ripping on him and the hack back. That’s where all of the Shuli hate stems from. Just recently, and this is ultimately because of Karl making him relevant by having him join in on the stuttering John format……. JUST RECENTLY has the tide shifted on Shuli. Shuli actually became likeable and enjoyable. This is coming from an old school Stern guy and a big time Artie fan. However, after this Shuli rant and drastic overreaction (probably baited into it, troll style, by the same people who used to tell John that Anthony was shitting on his kids), he his gonna get A LOT of hate. It’s the same style of bitching that went on 15 or whatever years ago. Credibility wayyyy out the window. Big big mistake. On top of the fact that his show is NOT FUNNIER. And that’s right!! Karl has been a Shuli defender for YEARS! Unbelievable.

alikentrek Dobs

Did Kaya receive a cancer diagnosis before this episode?

Jay Horvath

Shuli is terrible and Karl seems to be the last person to realize this. URS is only funny because of Stut Jo. If it was them that were so funny, why don’t any of the other garbage shows have any heat. Also, I believe he buys views for the show or has found a way to pad them. Not quite Tommy level.

Kafeen Rush

Oh c'mon, Back to the Habitat, where Vince trolled Shuli to his face re: him aping Karl's show, was GOLD!

Jay Horvath

You know what, Back to the Habitat has been the only “Shuli Network” show I’ve been able to watch. It’s obvious, all of the content was Vince’s and that’s why it’s entertaining. Vince is an assassin.


There's a reason everyone refers to Mike as "the other guy" - he's forgettable. 405 episodes of WATP and I'm not sick of it. URS I only watch when I'm stoned and want to fall asleep on the couch. Shuli is also a phony, having Chad open for him. He's just like John when he says "I love the guy but..." and then trashes him - but Shuli will trash someone and then back pedal "but we love the guy and respect him." He shit all over Karl and then texts him "I'm so sorry, I'm quitting smoking." Bullshit.


You know Kaya is some kind of weird European because he can listen to this lady talk all this garbage for the show but can't tolerate Patrick discussing his ear hairs.


Anyone else notice Karl doesn't show the number of Patrons anymore? What's up with that?

Jim Wenzel

I’ve tried to watch the URS and that shit is brutal. Monique from Radio Gunk was right. Shuli is a hack.

Tony Conti

Since Karl stopped with the John content UR has taken off. They’ll have a 30 minute clip, and take 3 shows to get through it. When Karl was doing it he’d pick the best parts, comment on it and finish in one show without milking it. UR pauses every 5-30 seconds, it gets annoying after a time. Some say Karl is losing subs because of the lack of John content.

Tony Conti

Karl’s John segments are much funnier, but Karl doesn’t do any John content except for his book. Also, there’s been a lot of people saying Karl is losing subs because of the lack of John content. He doesn’t show his Patreon numbers any more, so who knows.


That cis but queer joke was rough

Christopher J Putnam

Who would need a chastity belt if you had to look at their hideous fat pig every day?


This fighting between my two dads is so upsetting 🥲 I don’t like it 😫

Silence Dogood

No boobs this week fellas...

Dylan Hedin

Jesus, hearing Shuli complain and come at Karl like this is so bad. I like the Uncle Rico show but it is DEFINITELY not better than WATP John segments.

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

Mr.Magenta's song parodies aren't funny. The thing that makes a song parody amusing is the ridiculous impression, that's why the StuttJo and Chad parodies actually work. This fucking jerkoff singing a normal sounding song about Patrick Michael with lyrics I'm supposed to find amusing is a complete waste of time and utterly infuriating. Fuck you Mr.Magenta.

John Anderson

I like Mr.Magenta. He makes nice songs!