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Join Christian Bladt, a very special surprise guest, Producer Chris and me at 5p ET.


Ep401 - Hey Riddle Riddle (Livestream)

Join Christian Bladt, a very special surprise guest, Producer Chris and me at 5p ET.


Avg Kracker

What the fuck was I watching? There was a midget with a condom on his head claiming to be Kevin Brennan.

Avg Kracker

How the fuck do you bag on Obie for his terrible impressions when you have condom head Kevin on? Good thing you gave him his cues when to talk. He would’ve looked even dumber just sitting there in latex. My favorite show is slipping into the abyss, becoming everything he real against.😢


Can someone tell avg kracker to go beat off already. I can feel the heat eminating from his rage boner.


The only reason someone gets mad when you call their wife ugly, is that they believe it. If someone called my wife ugly it wouldn't matter.

Derek from Texas

I think it’s time for another AMA show. More of a notice this time around. Last one wasn’t great but I feel it would be better this time. Producer Chris, Andy, real Cardiff, Vinnie. People wanna know stuff.


Just don't let Nia find out or Bill will get the whip again


Oh my god, this was the worst show you’ve covered, seriously made me wanna stab my eardrums out with a pencil

Avg Kracker

I apologize for offending you Spanky, Fag. For a minute there, I thought I was a Patreon member who was able to voice my opinion. I’ve listen to this show for a few years now. If you go back and listen to Karl of a couple years ago compared to Karl of now. You will notice a difference. But I can tell you like talking all retarded and shit. So just keep it up with all that fag talk and enjoy the shit show.


I like that you call me a fag and then wag your rage boner in my face. Go beat off, you'll feel better.

Avg Kracker

You can do better than that you’ve already referenced a beat off joke. Try again please


If you hate my jokes now then you probably liked them 3 years ago. Maybe if you beat off you would like them now.


You can't do a show without Producer Chris. Whose old computer will the audio be run though?

Avg Kracker

Let me guess… You are a Shuli fan as well? Because you can beat a dead horse brother.

Avg Kracker

You right, you right… if I was in high school again, I’d be laughing my asses off


Well, I can't say for sure about high school, but if you had a sense of humor you would be.

Avg Kracker

I didn’t know you were the world leader, on what is funny. So while you’re in your moms basement, in between her making meals for you. Make a list and post it for me. Then maybe, just maybe I will be able to grasp your superior level of humor.


Funny is a thing that exists. You either get it or you don't. It's not about surperiority, but honsetly, after hearing the mom's basement line I can say for sure, I am surperior to you.

Avg Kracker

You right, you right… You are superior to me in ball washing Karl’s knob. I guess you didn’t appreciate my immature reference of the mom’s basement joke with your constant jerk off jokes. I thought for sure we would find common ground and be friends.


I wasn't pointing it out because it was immature. I was pointing it out because it's just so unoriginal coming from someone that doesn't like beating a dead horse.


Yeah Producer Chris is Podcasting’s #1 second-banana.

Avg Kracker

Listen here, you penis with ears. I know it wasn’t immature to you, you’re constantly referencing jerk off jokes. And I I’m the unoriginal one? 😂 I will say this is the most fun I’ve had at work in a long time. Talk to you soon buddy.


Nice job missing the point. Try rereading this chat and think it over.


Karl needs to borrow Drew’s drop from Drew and Mike. “NNNOO MOOOORRRRE!!!

Avg Kracker

Nope! I did a little research on your superior comedy skills. I’m following your lead! How my doing? Do you realize there’s only three people who will read this thread? And two of them are you and I! Maybe I need that third person to point out you’re comedy genius to me. This way I can reach superior level like you. Third person, can you explain what I missing from the legend that is Spunky Fresh?


Never said I was a genius. Being better than you still makes me below average


Holy shit that riddle show was painful even in small doses. It was the same feeling of being at a party where you don’t know people and ur stuck talking with a bunch of humorless dipshits having a useless, banal conversation.


Reminds me of the type of people my first (idiot public school teacher) wife made me hang with. She’s a happily divorced hoarder cat lady, living without men, who “are pigs.”


Can we get a podcast without women or drama kids one of these days? Some of these past few you've dug up have made me want to fucking kms. Hey Riddle Riddle might be the worst yet, it's just insufferable and mercilessly gay. I feel, like, a violent rage, when I hear it. Make it stop Karl

Ion Force

Why is Kevin Brennan wearing a gimp mask? Is he doing the kanye bit or what?


FUCK! Kevin Brennan is FUCKING ANNOYING! Wow this episode was torture when that clown joined. No more of that you club footed twat! Thanks. And don’t call me back!


I see what you did here sir! Referring to “laughing your asses off”