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Blind Mike is back for this week's live show at 6 ET as we discuss an Instagram star who farts, a couple who started doing sketch comedy during the quarantine, a YouTuber who hates cops, and much more.


Ep17 - Who Are These Socials

Blind Mike is back for this week's live show at 6 ET as we discuss an Instagram star who farts, a couple who started doing sketch comedy during the quarantine, a YouTuber who hates cops, and much more.



“Put the ranch down pale bitch”……


Karl you really are everything you mock. There is one thing I have to draw the line on, stop saying: This is a fun episode. Btw this was a fun episode.

LC Brock

For the first time ever while listening to a podcast I wanted to scream at someone being clipped, specifically the couple with their lame take on the WHO'S ON FIRST sketch formula. Even if it had been just 30 seconds that bit would have been way too long.

Kaptain Chaos

How come I can listen to this on Apple podcast anymore ? Dammit Kevin 😂


Get out of the Steel Toe Business I used to like your show because no one was safe but u can’t see what a weasel HACK Aaron is? WTF????? Enjoy ST washing your balls. You’ve all turned into a bunch of pickle smoochers.


“ I’m just a guy filming your daughter “ - The new podcast from Karl and Vinnie.