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I'm back on the Drew and Mike Show to discuss Bert Kreischer, Dana Carvey, David Spade and whoever else is better than all of us. We also check in on David Lee Roth. What am I missing???                                                                                                                                                                                    



Bert Kreischer has to be some kind of warped social experiment or CIA psyop.


Appears more and more Bert really doesn't like his wife. Claims its jokes but he always talks about dreaming of cheating on her, says she dead inside, no fun to be around. Seems to really despise her, but he would get so screwed in a divorce. I don't know how she deals with his voice and laugh and constant party mindset.


Heard a Russian guy saying they have a word that sounds like the machine, its some backhanded insult. Saying he may have been on train and the guys were basically just talking shit about him. Saying look at this dumb fuck. Wether true or not I like to believe it, makes sense to me.


"the mix was weird" that's the statement to make people think you know something about music production. Karl just knows everything guys. Surprised he's not king of Rochester by now.


Overly loud and excited Karl seems tempered with these other dorks. I guess trucker andy, a potato, or some sloppy 5 review girl deserve to be stepped on and talked over constantly. Karl you suck.


He might be fun to drink with but I never got Bert Kreisher and I figured it was just me. The fact that he’s doing arenas must say something about how watered down comedy is today. His movie looks absolutely unwatchable.


Great boomer rock music section boys. Nothing gets me harder than talking about the new U2 record 😟

Colin Henderson

I remember back when Opie and Jim was still on. Opie was on vacation so it was Norton and Florentine on air. And they had a special guest, none other than Diamond Dave himself. And I swear, this motherfucker proceeded to have a non-stop conversation with himself. For THREE HOURS! He barely acknowledged the other dudes on the room, he would randomly laugh at jokes only he could hear in his head. I think they may have steered him to talk about martial arts for a while, but it was the most exhausting, borderline-unlistenable chunk of radio I have ever experienced. Imagine having to share a tour bus with this guy. No wonder Eddie drank so much.


I lived in Moscow fall of 1994 through an exchange program via my college. One of my majors was Russian and my background is Russian/Ukrainian. The Russian word “machine” is both translated as car or by slang calling someone dense. Bert has based his whole career on a fallacy.

Davey Dee

Uncut Gems is amazing and I'll fire you