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Eric Zane and I have a jam-packed episode today. Join us at 2p ET.


Ep390 - Meta PsycKicks (Livestream)

Eric Zane and I have a jam-packed episode today. Join us at 2p ET.



Please quit playing Tom Myers, its so bad its not even funny to make fun of.

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

Parody songs are only funny when they're in the voice of the person they're making fun of. I don't need to hear "Mr.Magenta" singing a normal sounding song with lyrics he thinks are amusing, stop trying to be clever and just do your worst John impression if you want the song to be funny.


Funny show, Eric Zane’s best appearance. The supercut of Karl and Chad was great.

Travis Wilson

They’re taking Patreon comments for the Net News segment? Ahem. Karl’s feet and teeth are perfectly normal, and his super cool beard and glasses make him look like a flaming heterosexual


What episode number is it when johns chat get him fired up, saying Anothiny was talking about his kids?. Please.

Based Department

Why are you doing the SHOW in PHILLY do you want all your FANS to DIe and/or be MUGGED

Based Department

the surface temp of lake tahoe is 42 but as you go deeper in any water it gets colder. i live in tampa bay area of florida which incase you dont know never freezes its actually very hot here in the 80s a tanker ship hit the SKYWAY BRIDGE a very big Bridge it holds records and Super tankers go under it so its VERY deep its deep enough that when divers went down to find bodies they were frozen now the bodies dont melt into slime thats just a stupid person not understanding stuff but even here in florida deep water gets cold enough to freeze bodies

Richard Lucas

I love Zane. Not as much as I love Hannah. She pinches her nipple.


Agree to disagree . Small doses . Not cocaine doses


what's the song at the end?