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Oh boy, this is going to be a fun one today. Join Doug from Who's Right and me as we talk about Zoophiles and other creeps like Opie.


Ep386 - Zooier Than Thou (Livestream)

Oh boy, this is going to be a fun one today. Join Doug from Who's Right and me as we talk about Zoophiles and other creeps like Opie.



at 4.30 Doug kinda lost me. He's saying homosexuals are equal to kid and animal fuckers? Wtf. Maybe I'm mishearing or misinterperting but that's not a very nice thing to say.

Principled Uncertainty

I don't think he meant it as it came across, but yes, that did strike me as odd. I think he meant that in the Venn diagram of including Ps and Zs there is also a a lot of people who are same sex attracted (gay seems wrong as they like same sex kids and animals). A misjudgement for sure or even an attempt at an edgy joke, at least I hope so. I was going to try and google this then thought better of it. Men are more likely to have fetishes and more people want to get fucked by horses than fuck them. That isn't being gay by any stretch of the imagination, if you can excuse the pun.

Who's Right Podcast

It was supposed to be more of a “All horse fuckers are gay, but not all gays are horse fuckers.” Type joke - I’ll see if Karl can add it in post.


The beloved live chatters were fun in this episode. Glad I caught this one live. Great work producer Chris , Doug and Potato! Karl, you were okay too.


I figured as much. But without context you were making a pretty harsh statement ;-). It's all good


I love the Spotify ads. Nothing will beat the comedic timing of getting an ad for Disney land during this.


The Opie segment was 3 ex frat boys trying to relive how cool they thought they were with garbage beer.


Your comments are both stunning and brave! We need more people like you dissecting jokes and hopefully making Tik Tok videos about how offended they are! Same with the professor uncertain for his woke takes…..rude jokes are a horrible stain on inclusion

Richard Lucas

This is like Fresh Air for degenerate bestialists


P's and Z's are aggressively trying to throw themselves under the LGBTQ Victim umbrella. A venn diagram would be the most logical and visual way to call Z's and P's on their bullshit.

Based Department

i found WATP from Revenge of the CIS talking about you many time and i found CUMIA from watching WATP i never heard of O&A till ROTC but never heard either OPIE or Anthony til i watched CARL FUCK YOU CHAD

Derek from Texas

Oooooooo John on Adam Carolla, actually telling the truth about Howard being insanely cheap and disloyal. That’s a gooood one!