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Join Vinnie and me at 5p ET for some sexy stories that will make your pants tight or wet or maybe both.


Ep382 - Literotica (Livestream)

Join Vinnie and me at 5p ET for some sexy stories that will make your pants tight or wet or maybe both.



Gonna be a good time. You could hear the cholesterol dripping from that lady's voice just from the teaser last episode. Bring your AED and a spare pair of XXXXL panties. (For her, she probably sharted)


Yeah, let’s do another generic episode about unremarkable women who can’t podcast. Said no one ever. Karl is really going to need to step it up if he’s every going to emerge from Shuli’s shadow. I get 50 year old men typically get on board with the whole ‘women can’t do this or that’ thing, but it’s not good for the rest of us. Stop with this low effort shit, Karl


Once again Karl is the gang bang king….let your freak flag fly K Dawg!!!


You are right about her voice. The fact that Seth Green modeled Chris's voice after Buffalo Bill adds another layer to it.


Kevin Brennan was on WATP for almost an hour!

LC Brock

I was reminded of the O&A bits where they mocked 70s-era audio erotica that had been released on 8-track tapes, and it was all ridiculous sounding, and these literotica people are even less sexy-sounding than those clips.


That was some of the worst things I have heard on a podcast.


1000 Cocks- An Empowerment Story


I’m hard


Am I the only one that thinks this is a dude?????? I’m a chick & I’ve never known any female with a voice like that…I’ve only started listening so maybe there’s a big reveal…but that is not a female voice….no way. Nope nope. Nope.


Yo K Furr! Hey, Joel is contacting Shuli after this weekend about doing a podcast at SoulJoels. Joel’s definitely up for it. I think Shuli has to see how this one goes before he starts scheduling other locations. I’ll keep you updated.


THIS has been a CERTIFIED "BOG POST™©" Remember, You can't bog down the hog!!!