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Back on the Drew and Mike Show to discuss Howard's approach to saying "no" to celebrity guests. I hope he's okay with letting this out because you can't put the shit back in the horse. We also learn that Howard can't piss into a toilet without sitting down.

Then it's on to the season finale of Archetypes with Meghan Markle. She's joined by three of the softest men ever to help her explain that all of the problems in the world are caused by men. 




I love the show. It's one of the highlights of my week. Jesus, that was a very depressing sentence now I think about it.


Oh normally you just critique the sound quality, lol. 3 shows in on the new Reddit show and it’s a highlight of the week? Great!!


Howard is such a little bitch, he’s actually closer in secession to being the Queen of England than Meghan Markle.


Remember when we just watched actors in movies? Hearing them blather on like they're so deep is mind numbing