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Join Vito and me at 5p ET as we talk about nerds talking about nerd stuff and Vito will have to admit that he's also into it. Should be fun.


Ep378 - Pegwarmers (Livestream)

Join Vito and me at 5p ET as we talk about nerds talking about nerd stuff and Vito will have to admit that he's also into it. Should be fun.



talk about punching down !


Hi Karl - here's a suggestion; no more fat disgusting pedophiles on the show.

Jeremy Hathcock

"The dabbler" was an all time great parody song


Tommy asking the self-confessed JFK assassin whether he'd ever heard about the "magic bullet" theory had me laughing so hard. It's moments like this you begin to wonder if he's actually a brilliant performance artist living his life as this dumb character.


Karl, did you feel conflicted when the nerds were talking about Cobra Commander?


Did Carl just Admit to having a Bro crush on Justin Timberlake


Vito brings laughs! Which is why most of us listen.


I'm a simple man- a "dabbler" if you will- is there a way to get this on Spotify rn (since I'm a patron)? And if so, can someone explain it to me as if they're explaining it to a semi retarded stuttering Puerto Rican from New york?


Does anyone find it weird that Cardiff has high-jacked Karl’s show almost word for word? He brings nothing to the table when he’s on… seriously! 😣


No Cardiff is great. Everyone thinks he’s hillarious!!! Nope nobody is weirded out at all. He’s a mega star and Karl knows he grows the whole pie.

Erik Hyman

Wingsofredemption on wtap what a guest! Wait thats Vito...


I'll listen to it later. I bet Vito gushes how much he loves funko pops.


Vito = Skip