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Join Eric Zane and me at 2p for another exciting and paywalled episode of WATP.


Ep377 - The Viral Podcast (Livestream)

Join Eric Zane and me at 2p for another exciting and paywalled episode of WATP.


Ruth Fabiano

Man I used to be able to avoid low class and vulgar people but they seem to be the only ones going "VIRAAAALLLLLLL" now.

Ruth Fabiano

For eons men have married above their league. Thats why most try to be good providers or be funny 🤷‍♀️


Chad is like Germany. Always declaring war on the entire world and always losing.


Harrison Young is Stuttering John, if Stuttering John wasn't an irredeemably unlikable asshole


I bet Karl will spaz out and talk about swingers parties and his HUGE club foot


I was watching and my 13 year old walked in. He heard Aaron and thought I was watching Steel Toe. He said, “Hey dad, the guy that rips on Stuttering John is on here?” I’ve never been so proud.


Opie is so odd// Chad is just psychotic


Zaniacs represent


i click off whenever i see that Aaron f@gg0t. no matter how good the content is that hack wannabe ruins the quality of the show. please stop having him on


thank god you kicked him off for the opie segment. Aaron is such a two faced kiss ass that he makes Chad seem halfway likable. srsly Karl youre way too lax with who you allow on your show sometimes


lol the fact Aaron had an interview with Cumia after he called him a creepy pedo and a racist who's surrounded by losers at a failing network only 3 months ago proves my point. bet he didnt say any of that to his face. too bad Anthony wasnt aware before falling for that. clout chasing loser

Mr. Hamilton Burger

Got it. Now, what website do I visit to write those one-star reviews where I praise WATP in the comments, like Karl told me to?


i will dig it up for you sir. hopefully he hasnt deleted the clip b/c this was before he started trying to leech of the Chad drama to beg for Karl's attention