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It's the debut episode of Karl and Blind Mike's new show all about how much we love social media. Join us at 6p ET.



It's the debut episode of Karl and Blind Mike's new show all about how much we love social media. Join us at 6p ET.


Lucas Mucus

this is obvious floundering as you no longer have stuttering retard to clown on, which is all i want to see

Jimmy Tango

Love Blind Mike


How is it that even in this you cover the same stuff that shuli does in his BS show (The Black Israelites Vide).


I enjoyed it and the atmosphere seemed more relaxed than a highly regimented show.


Karl…why the fuck is your mic still popping?? Fix it man. For fuck’s sake. You constantly give people shit about their audio quality.


He's been donating to a beloved chatter's chemo. You're right though, the popping mixed with his over excitement is making me rethink this Patreon decision.


“Welcome to another episode”? this is the first episode, Karl!


I like this show. I hate social media. I have the same feelings about StutJo. And see what you did with him. I can’t wait until he’s out and rehab.

Based Department

doesnt mike see that the pop screen is covering our view of his face ohh what a loser

Kilgore Trout

Blind Mike rocks. Gay Blind Mike, not so much.


Not a bad episode for a pilot. You must have had exp doing shows before. 😉


MLK's I Dreamed a- Dream Team: Malcolm "Xpress" Partner in hoopin' and dupin' "Big Mama" Theresa Rosa "Parks in the Paint" There's something in that one but I'm too tired to flesh it out atm. Great show Karl Hamburglar and Blind Mike. It LOOKS like you both SEE the potential here. Keep your EYE on the ball, execute your VISION and PITCHER success.

Tony Mario

I can listen to the new Cardiff electric theme song on loop for hours. It's awesome!