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Join Pat Oates and me at 2p ET as we break down the Ulta Beauty podcast and also check out part 2 of Stuttering John's last Beer on the Balcony.



Join Pat Oates and me at 2p ET as we break down the Ulta Beauty podcast and also check out part 2 of Stuttering John's last Beer on the Balcony.


Tony Conti

Karl is low, and Pat is off the charts loud. Hopefully it’s fixed in the audio only stream.


I like cheese


Honestly might unsubscribe if there’s no more John content, love the show but he’s by far the most interesting segment this show has had in the last year.


OMG Austin might bail!!! This changes everything. 5$ Karl OMG


Where dem tiddies do


Dave Bautista is starting to look old.


Why can’t I play the fucking video without passing a captcha

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

Were you not around for the years before the John segment was even a thing? John used to be just one of many segments in the 2nd half of the show.

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

Charlie M is a reference to the movie Casino you fucks. The guy whose head Joe Pesci had in a vice ratted out Charlie M after his eyeball exploded.


Wow, the audio quality lately.... how does nobody realize that Oates is at volume level 5000 while Karl is at 40? Unlistenable.


Same on audio feed. But once I got used to it, somewhat bearable


Where's the tits Vic!

Based Department

a Giraffe adult weigh from 2600 to 4200 pounds actually. I was like 1500 seems pretty light for an animal shaped like a horse with a 20 foot neck and i know horses weigh around 1500 pounds give or take depending on the breed.


This show is unlistenable because of Pat's microphone. UGH! This is what I am paying for?


nah you paying for two bonus episodes a month. Karl throws in the live streams for free.