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Come join Dick, Sean, and me at 9p ET / 6p PT tonight for yet another crossover event!



Come join Dick, Sean, and me at 9p ET / 6p PT tonight for yet another crossover event!



Is this how boring WATP was before StutJo? Zzzzzzzzz…Masterson schtick is changing his voice I guess and looking odd, he’s Bobcat Golthwait…


But when Dick comes on WATP, he’s usually funny af because Karl knows how to bring the funny out of his cohosts. Listen to episode 163 Why Won’t You Date Me. You will laugh your ass off. Dick is quick.

Jervis Tetch

Where is the drew and mike audio Karl .

Kenny C

I never noticed Dick was 3/5ths of the screen until Karl pointed it out. His face always seemed normal sized to me

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

Goddamn the intro music to this crossover show is fucking infuriating.

Gary Coe

Not Chad. Not his style.


Hey rubberdicks. Where can I catch the Ethan ralph v hamburger argument ?


Dick Show episode 324. Karl is in studio for the show. Ralph calls in at 1:37:08 mark.

Blart Sampson

Wish I could get the audio only wtf wants to look those ugly mugs


Can you stop doing shows with this creep?


I'm fairly certain that Dick Masterson has the worst radio\podcast voice in the world, please never have him on again. Also, no stutjo? WTF Karl?! Get your shit together. Total fail of an episode, you said you clipped video clips of the show you're roasting, but then don't show the clips??!! You're better than this Karl, at least I hope you are. I take that back Karl, you aren't better than this.

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

He truly is insufferable, although somehow this is still more tolerable that that horrendous Drew and Mike bullshit. I'm not sure why Karl wastes his time with either Drew and Mike or The Dick Show tbh, all of these guys are just outsiders to the Dabbleverse and bring nothing to the table IMO.


I'm with you, I totally don't get it. Most of the "bonus" episodes lately have made me question if I want to keep my Patreon at all with WATP because it just has been shit. For instance the whole debacle with the audio, Karl didn't even put the apology, or explanation however you want to look at it, on fucking Patreon. The Drew and Mike crap is just that, shit. This garbage with Dick fucking Masterson is basically unlistenable. Do better Karl, stop with all the shit you've been putting out. Do fucking better.

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

I did cancel Patreon right before they started posting the livestreams to the regular episodes, I had the Patreon for a long time when it was JUST Drew and Mike + Dick Show, LOL. TBH I think the Patreon is worth it now since they've started posting the livestreams with video. I'll pay $10/month to gawk in amazement at the 8th wonder of the world known as Karl's teeth. I just skip TDS and Drew and Mike content. Still, that's several hours per week that Karl could be doing ANYTHING else with his time.


I just don't understand it. Are there people on here that enjoy listening to tds? I think what he says is funny, sometimes, but how it's delivered with that nasally ass voice he has is just awful. Drew and Mike are hacks to the fullest extent and should never be on another episode again. Seriously though, are there people who enjoy this shit?


Also just adding not piling on but I was enjoying the stutjo easy for you to say B episodes.


Just joining in to say Dick Masterson is terrible now. Started out pretty funny at the start of TDS but went downhill so hard I stopped listening completely. At least he introduced me to WATP, an actual funny show.


that he continues to gunt guard for convicted felon and sex offender ethan ralph is the worst part.