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Action packed episode today with Monique from RG, AJ Benza, and hopefully a surprise guest. See y'all at 2p ET.



Action packed episode today with Monique from RG, AJ Benza, and hopefully a surprise guest. See y'all at 2p ET.



Don’t have him on again please . Knows nothing and had to have everything explained and kept pictures to drop argue in the shit when there is no need .


Bottom line StutJo backed AJ up right after the slap and would have kicked his ass if Boo’y didn’t step in. AJ hates that he’s bald and StutJo’s bald crack crushed AJ, hahahaha. Baldi Benza!!!! “My career would have gone 5 more years if I didn’t go bald”! Haha. Bald Benza

Howard Crane

Monique? Finally. My crush is on WATP


Monique is looking good! Hey; whatever happened to Nikki B? Did she join Hal Sparks out of the door?


Woulda been a great moment if u kicked off aj for being a faggot and showing off pictures of Arties drugs he sent from 10 years ago. Instead u cringed of the week’ed yourself and just yes and’d him

Tony Genesis

Please never have AJ on again.


He sounded like he had a long history of concussions and he had a hell of a time staying focused on a point.


I agree with many others, AJ Benza sucked. I like Monique, I don't watch Radio Gunk but she was great when Karl was on it. When he threw digs at her she came right back calling him fuckface(among other things which was awesome)


Cringe of the week nominee when AJ threw out the "He has some blood in his Gin stream!" joke which fell flatter than a pancake.

Rex Sexton

I've had the equivalent of 10 bar-pour gin & tonics pretty much every day for the past 3 years.