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Pat Dixon will be in studio to discuss Wine and Crime, Stuttering John, and Bo Daddy Harris (with Branden from SSOTW) at 3p ET. Join us.



Pat Dixon will be in studio to discuss Wine and Crime, Stuttering John, and Bo Daddy Harris (with Branden from SSOTW) at 3p ET. Join us.


Tony Conti

Compound should have fired Gino for getting in the way of Pat’s fist.

Tony Conti

Does anybody else have problems playing the live stream? Keeps buffering


This episode was shit. Pat Dixon is boring, he’s only funny when he’s punching geno and Chrissie Mayr. Where’s the John content?


My favorite part of the Don interview was when he said, "I've been in the apartment", and Karl and Chris both go, "wow . . . ", like little kids seeing Santa. Adorable and hilarious. Also loved when Pat Dixon said, "no matter how little John gets it still seems like too much". Pat gets it.



Andy Johnson

Karl finally gets all the Star Wars nonsense off the walls and really WATP-s up the place then the very first person he calls has even more of it. Fantastic


Hannah is proof review girls should be seen and not heard

Chris Holm

Oh My God, Hannah, Shut UP SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You're not the show. Vic is, Yes, I'm a Vic Simp. But Hannah Shut the fuck up!!! The Cow goes MOO, The Hannah goes, "BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!"

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

Hannah, you're way better than that old heroin addicted dirt farmer. Also, I love Vic but your tits are superior to hers.