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Producer Chris and I get back into John's autobiography and continue to learn nothing. How could a guy who has had such an interesting life from an outsider's perspective write such a boring book? Well, it's a good thing we bring plenty of transformative content; a spoon full of sugar helps the Dabbler go down. 

We also check in on Beer on the Balcony. Stuttering John brings on a black person as his guest and they have a very natural conversation that isn't uncomfortable to listen to at all. 




this is is once of the worst rewrites ive ever read/heard. Many of the areas that seem to make no sense are likely editor rewrites that John just left in there in someones else's voice without context or transition in many cases. Like an editor made notes and john just left them in there like he wrote them. It also seems as if there were word count issues with the publisher and someome just threw a bunch of fluff and filler in there long after the real writing ended. It's like reading a feeshman english essay where you see someone desperately try to get to some arbitrary word count having not the research to have anything more to say.


That golf story was a terrific example that reality is only a suggestion to stuttering john. Most of us live in a completely different world


Holy shit John is going crazy on his shit show talking about Cumia. You need to get him on soon.


On YT there's the HS show where SJ gets fired from Afternoon Radio Show. He does a Southern Preacher Character it's the worst thing I've ever herd.


Did u hear him say Sharon Stone paid him $30K, bet that violates the NDA.


Omg yes. I'm no mensa student. But holy shit John makes me feel better and smarter about myself.


That really is John's primary function now - to make everyone deliriously happy they're not him.


In either this episode or the last, Producer Chris said he doesn't think his impression of John sounds like him. Omg, Chris are you kidding? Tons of times when I'm watching John, I think to myself "he sounds more like Producer Chris' impression of him every day". John must be binge watching those deep fake videos non stop.

LC Brock

Audiobook John still sounds clear-voiced and free of the halting speech, phlegminess and horrible throat noises we now associate with John.


There are no windows in the men's room at Nobu 57


I can never get enough of these, but I can see why they take a toll on Karl and Chris mentally to produce. It's the same shit on repeat


John’s liver called me and told me about this episode.