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This was a fun appearance on the Drew and Mike Show as we announce our next live show - in Detroit on September 30th at the Magic Bag. But more importantly, we check out a different ChadCast with actual chads. These guys have tons of great information about nutrition that you need to know before you start bulking up. Actually, don't actually follow any of their actual advice. They are dummies.

Then we visit with the youngest son of one of my favorite New York State families. Chris Cuomo is back, but this time in podcast form. Spoiler - the guy has learned nothing from getting blown out at CNN, he's as big a douche as ever. 




Karl was sut john on this episode, still love love ya


Did Drew try to say Cros and he pronounced it Crahs? WTF Drew

Tony Conti

Thanks: Something to listen to on my way to work. Thanks KH

Principled Uncertainty

That could be a fun bit. Every Drew and Mike mini bonus review a podcast of the same name as the main roast.

Christina Heberger

"...URL that no one would ever remember." No One = Karl... ie: http://creepoffroast.com


karls collabs with the drew and mike show are entertaining, its an insight into a boomer mindset.


These guys are not chad at all. They sound like basic bitches


I never hit a bitch but that Asian chick needs a bitch slap or two


so much male insecurity in this episode about guys getting buff