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We're starting a little early today - 1:30 ET. Join me and Cros as we discuss the space alien Tommy from MSCS, the liar Stuttering John, and the renaissance man Patrick Michael.


Ep329 - MSCS Media (Livestream)

We're starting a little early today - 1:30 ET. Join me and Cros as we discuss the space alien Tommy from MSCS, the liar Stuttering John, and the renaissance man Patrick Michael.



Tommy needs to be clowned on way more. He is an awful interviewer, looks like a ventriloquist dummy and claims each video has 500k views


Tommy came from nowhere. A “man” with no past. He’s definitely AI. We need his creators to make female sexbots. I want the Vic model.


John compliments his guest on her looks, but as soon as they do something offensive such as not agree with him, he immediately insults her looks. Disgusting pig..


You see how badly they failed in making Tommy and you want them to make more!?

LC Brock

Tommy comes off like someone who learned how to act like an "American" by watching not even The Jersey Shore but like a really lower-rent Jersey Shore knockoff that only lasted one season and aired on some now long-defunct cable network.


Down another rabbit hole. Who will Tommy now lead us to to continue our quest?


At some point you’re gonna have to admit redbar is fucking entertaining.

Principled Uncertainty

I'll be watching this again once the kids are in bed. Please make Tommy a regular, he always delivers.


I’ve never heard a man speak without any accent like Tommy, and still fail to communicate or comprehend the other person. Truly off putting.


He has a past. His name is Thomas keightly. Dude just got out of jail for selling bad steroids or some shit. The man is a piece of shit


Did you guys ever take a look at the parent company of Tommy's empire, MSCS Engineering. That's one wild company.


Hard to believe a genius like him got caught. He must be in the same chapter of Mensa as SJ.

Christopher J Putnam

Doers Major Richard Ojeida have a Podcast? This guy is untapped gold. Is he any relation to former Pitcher Bob Ojeida?


I’m pretty sure Vic has the mind of a 14 year old girl. Good on her’ … though.

Colin Henderson

You get maybe 30 minutes of entertainment out of a five hour show. I think he;'s a petty, bottom-feeding bitch, quite honestly.


Does anyone else think that’s it’s possible Tommy’s podcast is a way to launder illegal money from some other shady venture? None of this makes sense.


I could really feel the charisma of this episode.


Tommy's podcast is like if NCIS did an episode where the killer was inspired by Joe Rogan, but they don't want to outright say it's Joe Rogan so they just recreate it as closely as possible with the budget they have for a single episode of a TV show.

Principled Uncertainty

I thought so, but apparently his father has a successful business, so he fakes success to keep the money from Dad flowing. Now, how legit his Dad is, I couldn't say. Though some gangsters did talk about whacking Tommy for being a fake mafioso, on their pod. Though one of the guys is himself famous for exaggerating his mob history. Tommy has started numerous failed businesses, but they're so diverse it makes no logical sense, unless he's actually from Proxima Centuari b. He's a hard man to dislike though.