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Ready to watch National Lampoon's One, Two, Many? Seriously, think about that. This is time you'll never get back. Okay, if you've thought about it and still want to go through with it here's the audio commentary from me and Tony from Hack the Movies.

NOTE: Start the episode as soon as the National Lampoon logo fades to black.

If you want to watch along with us, here's the video: https://vimeo.com/700612778/4f1fe4a5c5 

Order the movie: https://www.amazon.com/National-Lampoon-Presents-One-Many/dp/B0088LY8N8



Colin Henderson

And, yes, VAN WILDER was tangentially based on Bert Kresicher.


RoTc does movie commentary too. They do low volume and captions.

Pamelyn Ferrini

Karl you need to do this show by yourself. Most of your guests talk too much. This guy kept talking about his experience instead of keeping up with the movie. Keep up with Stuttering John stuff. Absolutely love it


the movie audio isnt added, just the video.

Dark Nut

Including the link to order the movie on Amazon lol


There is one person who uploaded a torrent of it and no ones seeding it


If I was still drinking I'd probably order it. That's why I stopped drinking


Just finished the vimeo. I liked it a lot more then I thought I would, you should try to branch out like this more often.


I wouldn't mind the off-road conversation, if they could pause the movie while they do it (i.e. Mersh's review).


Karl: It’s cringy when an audio podcast watches a music video Also Karl: here’s 80 minutes of commentary on a full-length movie


Cringe of the year, cringe of the year!


Why can't I hear the movie?


Tony thinks the CW Batwoman show is good and wants to shit on people for saying the prequels are better than disney star wars (which they are). Go back to the AVGNs basement.


the dead silence was so annoying i purchased the fucking movie cause there is nowhere on the internet you can pirate this. whatever, just another 5 bucks lol

Clyde Frog

Just a tip for next time Karl, put in the description when we should start the movie if we are watching along. You never really say in the commentary track which is a bit annoying. Love you though