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Dick Masterson and I will be going back into the archives to find some of the worst podcasts ever produced by the once mildly amusing Maddox. Join us at 5p ET. 


Ep320 - Maddox Revisited (Livestream)

Watch today at 5p ET as Dick Masterson and I go back through the archives and review some of Maddox's most embarrassing attempts at podcasting.



Late again!


Vito is a fat gay retard


Enough Dick, more Cardiff!

LC Brock

Everyone rags on Maddox, deservedly so but even more so than the WATP episode that took on Maddox's Godzilla podcast this episode really shines a spotlight on Haley Mancini and ooof. She embodies all sorts of annoying cliches about improv comedy people that get under my skin. She appears to be one of those improv people who believe being annoyingly peppy and acting WACKY! equals automatic comedy gold.

Ben Olmstead

why cant Karl and Dick just make their bpitu and move on


Praise Allah to Vito bailing


Dicks Libertarian gatekeeping is getting kind of old.


I guess someone told Karl nobody wants to hear Vito's voice.


Lol Dick is a creep. In his defense Kayci is a solid 10.


BETTER HELP AD???? I don’t think it was dynamic bc club foot was doing the read but I thought Karl said better help was stupid 😂


Haley is too hot to have developed a personality. She can spout the most mindless asinine oral discharge and guys will eat it up just for the imaginary possibility of eating her out.


Karl has been practically begging for a "Karl versus Karl" segment.


Why is Producer Chris not in on these WATP/TDS crossover shows?