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Come join us at 3p today as we discuss the Deep Dive and Stuttering John quitting comedy with Doug from Good Times Great Movies.


Ep318 - The Deep Dive with Jessica St. Clair and June Diane Raphael

Another mid-week show. This week we have some fun with June and Jessica and of course, there is so much to cover with Stuttering John. Wow.



Producer Chris made a great stealth comment that I didn't catch till my second listen using earbuds. John said, "you can't make this stuff up". Producer Chris quietly goes, "well I don't know . . . ". LOL


If John was so unhappy about Dante's refusal to use contracts, why did he stay with him the last THREE YEARS?

Avg Kracker

Great Job CM and crew!! I laughed so fucking hard at the Stut Jo video!

Jimmy Sharrard

Post it on Spotify already


Cool. Kev is doing an episode with Winnie The Pooh!!!


If Karl says "ALmeda" one more time, I'm putting my foot thru the screen. Karl it's "ALAmeda". Have a little respect for the Northern CA suburbs dude.


No you don't Karl, you're the best. The show's better than ever, thanks for all the laughs. (oh and please do a live show on the West Coast someday, for all your shitty fans out here).


Hey Karl what happened you told your listeners on Discord to go protest a Pride Event in Idaho and you'd drive us, but then you deleted that post and didn't show up so we had to rent a box truck. I need bail money so I can protest Hal Sparks stand-up show like you said for next week.


Nice Doug is kinda hot!!


Karl, I need a vinyl of "play surf music". Please and thank you.

Andrew Parker

I watched it live and now I’m listening to it. I thought Doug was overweight, type 2 diabetic and had dandruff. I was a little off. Great show to all!


Hey Kevin, you should get the owner of the Alameda Comedy Club on for a segment


"I really suck." Should have ended it here. No need for the "at talking".