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It's another crossover EVENT with Dick Masterson and Sean the Audio Engineer. This time we listen to fat people talk about their favorite foods (a subject they can't shut up about), Patty C Cups take a stab a pretty well known song (everyone knows it but him anyway), and three more chapters from the "satire" book written by the once clever Maddox. 

You can also watch the video. YouTube has been weird about this one so I'm not totally confident that link will work. 





LC Brock

I have to say I never really cared for Maddox. His humor still feels extremely of that time in the late 1990s when anyone who had a website could become famous. A guy posting angry rants to his website was actually technically fresh and amazing to some people. There was a period a few years after he debuted that that sort of "macho nerd humor" was still kind of popular and you had all of these people trying to emulate him, making a couple of gibberish posts before giving up and leaving a Blogspot hulk to drift on the Google webspace. Which was why I was surprised that he hadn't faded away by 2001 but was some time ago trying to get on Youtube back in 2010 or so. and his attempts at commentary came off as very "old man yells at those darn kids to get off his lawn".


The YT link doesn’t work.


The first actual bonus in awhile please have more bonuses and not minis love you😘


VIMEO works


I woke up with a block of cheese on my chest once . Then I saw the big fucking rat that I had drunkenly brought home the night before. I married that woman!


How the fuck is that show not called "fatties BITE back"?!?!???


Bridges have weight limits !!!


Karl really is club footed, i thought it was a bit all this time, so he has to be lying about all his roller blading escapades.


dick denying covering more patty c cups content aggravated me. i want more c cups