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For some reason we gave into peer pressure and decided to review MAPs irl. This is the show that Doug and Kaya covered the last time I let those two lunatics to host the show in my absence. If you're not familiar, a MAP is a minor attracted person. AKA, these are pedophiles. And it somehow gets worse. Trigger warning!

We also check out the last section of Patty C Cups' intimate standup performance and two more chapters from Maddox's book F*ck Whales. That's right, the book that would have been forgotten by now, we're keeping it alive!

Watch the video:






How come u guys never talked about that guest that was live on the air trashing stuttering John after she thought she hung up.. it was fucking hilarious


I hope these are the last two chapters of the F*ck Whales book. How can Maddox be so long winded and not even trip over a funny line by accident?


hello Cuzzaros and fslappers !


Fatty Arbuckle was infamous because it was claimed he raped a woman to death with a coke bottle, before it then became "he crushed her while raping her because he was so fat". O&A would always call back to it whenever a Coke bottle was ever mentioned on air. Plus Fat Joe and Biggie Smalls are the last times I remember a fat guy having his weight in his name.


Maddox writing with a thesaurus is a bit like using a barely-working, self-rolled, low efficiency version of Grammarly and blindly accepting all of its suggestions. Which honestly seems right on brand for him.


Maps are what you hang on a wall


I kinda surprised in the trigger warning chapter no one brought up how autistic Maddox’s comparison between movie ratings and trigger warnings. He brought but how movie rating were created so that the government wouldn’t get involved, but that has fuck all to do with trigger warnings which are just there so that people don’t get offended. Researchers are not putting in trigger warnings so that they don’t get censored from the government. TLDR: Maddox compares movie ratings to trigger warnings even though they have completely distinct functions.