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It's time for another crossover event! David Weiss, a flat earth enthusiast / crazy person, was recently on The Dick Show and he mentioned that he has a podcast. I fucking love flat earth podcasts. They're fascinating and wonderful. These people think that because the earth is curved that the state of Kansas goes up 21 miles at its center. Seriously. When the one guy says this the other responds, "that's a great point." These are adults with jobs and children and responsibilities. It's one thing for NBA players to think the earth is flat but these are just normal, brain-dead people. 

Then we tackle three more chapters of F*ck Whales, the book that's as funny as an Amy Schumer tweet and dumber than an Amy Schumer tweet. 

You can also watch this episode:






Thank you cuzaroo Karl. Also Mich Ultra is horrendous


Michelob Ultra is solid wtf is this. Also how long this took to upload alone is worth a Vinnie vote this week.