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Drew Lane tipped me off to the brand new George Lopez podcast... does anyone think this guy is funny? Has anyone ever watched his sitcom or talk show or movies? Is anyone listening to his podcast? Well, I did. Never again.

We also checked out the Entourage podcast "Victory." In case you were wondering what would have happened if the guy who played E played the role of Turtle, here's your chance. 

All that and some spicy political talk (sorry but they asked me about Cuomo and I have an opinion or two about him). 



LC Brock

As Samuel Johnson once said about George Lopez in 1775: "Podcasting is the last refuge of a scoundrel."


Yeah George Lopez had a somewhat successful stand-up career which lead to him getting his own TV show at the peak of TV sitcoms which got him 25 million a year from it, but after that pretty much everything has been him falling down more and more. His movie career never took off, he still only plays background characters in theatrical movies, his TBS talk show was somewhat successful until ironically Conan on TBS made him irrelevant and got his show cancelled. Then he tried to ride the Stuttering John "I'm going to be the Anti-Trump Guy now!" And somehow nobody even cared then. If his podcast fails (which it probably will) he pretty much has nowhere else to go.


George Lopez is the poor mans Carlos Mansteala. Also we can thank Sandra Bullock for his sitcom.


O and A were out of order for calling out Paris for being a cunt. Cunts are a protected class and need our understanding and support.


I got excited, but then I saw the 40 minute runtime :( looking forward to the flat earth one, though


George Lopez talks like he's in a writing room talking about a joke he's going to write in the future


My wife is Hispanic and her mom bought everyone tickets to Lopez's stand up when he came through. He packed the house with Hispanic's and they went nuts for his jokes. It was a weird fucking night.