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If you're like me, you've received multiple emails from Spotify informing you about this really amazing and important new podcast featuring Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen. Unlike you, I actually listened to it. 

After demonstrating what a bore-fest Renegades is, we discuss another "show" made by two "comedians." Chris Distefano and Sal Vulcano giggle at each other while talking about their caloric intake, jingles they remember, and counting to one million. 

My takeaway from both of these shows - I'm trying too hard.




Lol, Sal is my wife's favorite. She'll hate this episode.

LC Brock

These podcasts where a couple of comics sit around and gab and chuckle about nonsense are bad when it's just two guys and maybe guests - even worse are the ones where there's what sounds like thirty comics jabbering over each other, the "hang out" podcast taken to a horrible extreme.


I love that show. They’re both hilarious. Karl is wrong.

kingconcerto.sol (♠)

It's shocking how somebody as funny as Chris DiStefano can have such a horrendous podcast.

Helen Hunt's Forehead

Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen, two of the most establishment authoritarians in the country, calling themselves "Renegades" is the most absurd and cringe thing I've ever heard. That shitcast is an hour of Obama babbling about how great he is and making up bullshit stories about how he faced racism in his past and beat it, and Springsteen sucking his dick every 30 seconds with his "right on" platitudes. I'd rather listen to an Amy Schumer set than that god awful drivel.