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Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 will go down as one of the greatest days in American history! That's because Who Are These Podcasts and the Dick Show recorded another crossover episode. Also, our supreme leaders felt uncomfortable for once. That was neat.

This is a jam packed episode. We start with Frenemies featuring YouTube celebrities Ethan Klein and Trisha Paytas ripping on other losers who make a living on YouTube. Then we're off to learn about moon spirits from a fat crazy person with no friends. Finally, we wrap up doing what everyone said couldn't be done - listening to Maddox's latest book. That's why we make the big bucks people. 






These crossovers never miss. That bitch wanted 2 fries with that: vocal and potato. Should I just go to the subreddit?

Howard Crane

I had to go sign up to onlyfans to see this for myself and OH MY GOD WHO'S LOOKING AT THIS? How does this person see herself in the mirror and think "yeah, I'm going to show this to the world"? She looks like Ron Jeremy crossed with a manatee

Howard Crane

Fucking SJWs ruining the occult. Making up shit in astrology and erasing European history. And on top of that, making the rest of us seem insane. Watch this space. I'll sacrifice a rabbit and a bottle of tequila and Santasima Muerte will eat her soul

Davey Dee

The irony of calling Leslie Jones an actor vs actress, is that Milo was banned for calling Leslie a man


I don't like Ethan and I hate Trisha Paytas. My wife watches this garbage and not that it really matters but you guys got wrong on Trisha being engaged to Ethan's brother, it's Ethan's wife's brother. I feel bad about myself for knowing this.


I despise Trisha I had the misfortune of being shown her tits and she got the absolute worst tit job I’ve ever seen like one of them is square idek how you fuck something up that bad and then go an show them off

Edward Solis

How much you wanna bet that Moses guy is gonna get divorced by that Trisha chick and get half of his stuff taken