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It's another retro-style episode with Kevin! This week we actually decided to review a holiday themed podcast. And what could be better than one with an audio drama that promotes Christianity?

At the very end I talk a little bit about the trip to Tampa for the Road Rage event. 




Damnit Karl, why couldn't you have hooked up with Dick sooner and gone to the Minneapolis Road Rage, the one I was able to attend! I'm depressed I missed the Tampa show and a chance to hang out with you, you big fag. Maybe next time. You made my night with this bonus episode, thanks my dude.


One day I need Kevin and Bryan Johnson as guest hosts together for the most wholesome of episodes


So sad when there’s no Patrick Micheal / Patty C Cups / Patty Broken Skull / etc etc etc content.


Wow, I feel like I just stepped a few years into the past. Thank you for this!


Holy shit, I was listening to some older episodes the last couple of days, thinking “man, it’s great when Kevin comes on, but I doubt it’ll happen again anytime soon” ..and then this drops? I got no pseudo-snarky comment, this is gold lol holy shit.. that hobo character was worth my 5 bucks alone.


This is some of your best work.


Keep the episodes coming . Good stuff




I enjoyed The Isotopes rendition of All I Want For Christmas. Download available scuzeroo?


Kaaaaaaarl give your Patreon supporters one more bonus episode before Christmas! Even if it's some older unreleased content. We miss you Kevin! And the cuzaroos love Karl too. More Karl and Kevin!


have you ever considered naming the mp3's something other than "1" so my folder doesnt show the eps i downloaded as 1, 1(2), 1(3), 1(4)


Imagine if stuttering John was in it’s a wonderful life. Oh my go gaw god. Der lives are better! My motha is happy. How did Howard became a billionaire without me!!!