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Kevin and I decided to hop into a Delorean and push it up to 88 mph in this throwback style episode. We listened to a podcast hosted by people who make porn drawings and animations who interview people who make porn drawings and animations. For people who draw alien hermaphrodites getting bukkaked they sure are boring. 

Let us know if you like the throwback style or if Cobra Commander needs to retire. 



Clyde Frog

You just made my Saturday Karl. <3


So happy Kevin's back :)


Sounds like Kevin’s moxy was backed up for awhile.. he had more bite than some older episodes. good to hear him able to slap some bags. More Dorkles..!


Not enough of a throwback for me. Karl didn't sound like absolute dogshit and didn't say "exactty" every other sentence. Otherwise loved hearing Kevin.


Weirdest porn I’ve fapped to: Kevin describing the anime porn he’s looking at. Never been wetter. Rating: 4.5 tentacles/4.5 cumwads -.5 for no Nicholas Cage


Yeah but at least Kevin has some weird echo, so we still get to enjoy amateurish sound production.


Yes! Do more of these with 🐍!


Fuck yeah more cobra commander.

Howard Crane

I'm going to say no. Not because that's what I think, but just to be an unpopular contrarian


Great retro episode, the nostalgia was real. You should have played the Kevin's wacky voices jingle though. The best part of the episode, no voicemail segment.


I love hentai and even I think this podcast is boring. Great to see Kevin back for a round too

The Useful Rooster

That was by far, the worst description of the game “Pyre” I’ve ever heard. It’s a game where you basically play rugby to exstinquish the enemy’s fire pit.


This comment is the weirdest thing I've ever fapped to.


for the love christ fix the echo next time


This was awesome. Don't forget the "Kevin's Funny Voices" jingle next time though.


Great episode. I miss Kevin! I want to hear him make fun Sheamus and Stuttering John sometime.


Oh Karly....you are so...so so sheltered....