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Patrick Michael put a new episode out behind his paywall in which he has some words for us. But he didn't want us to know he was talking about us, or that he even knows that we exist. You can't make this stuff up.

Also, after our twitter battle this week, I just had to check out the latest Politipod to see what kind of "jokes" the 20 year comedy veteran, Tom Myers, is coming up with. This was a fun one. Thanks to Producer Chris and Vinnie Paulino for sitting in. 



Bob K

Perfect timing, I am in for $10 on the podvulture patreon and was worried once he heard you were doing this he would take the episode down. This shitstain one-upped me and instead changed the price to $100 for this one special episode. I still may do it. .


I just came in my pants a little. Thanks for not making us wait until Friday Karl, I don't think I could have waited.


He actually moved this episode to the $100 bracket? What a pussy, I was going to up my sub to $10 too, thanks for the heads up.


Sounds like he needs “lot” rent for that trailer


I’ve never wanted to punch somebody that I don’t know so bad


Btw Karl, when Tom Meyers said “when you touch a woman with consent”. Not insinuating that you’ve never touched a woman, but insinuating that you’re a rapist


By the way, truck stop ho’s are actually called lot lizards. Karl you’re in a band and should know this


Shut up producer Chris.... oh I bet it's Kris


This is off topic but todd pettingel's "hey todd" shut down indefinitely, no doubt because of karl


Producer Tits


Todd is the "Chris-Chan" of podcasting.


I hate Tom Myers more than anything on Earth


It’s crazy to put out a comedy album without one real good audience laugh. Literally not one.


If you don't spend my money to extort Patrick Michael, I'm gonna stop giving it to you and give it to Shamus instead.