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I really appreciate the support so I'm making more exclusive bonus episodes. In this episode, Nice Doug and I get way caught up on Opie Radio, drop by Jim Breuer's place to see what he's up to, then speed across town to Patrick Michael's trailer. Eventually we end up back at Opie's place. What a long strange trip it's been.



There have been losers on Reddit bitching for weeks about you not beating on Opie enough anymore, I hope this shuts them up!


what about PEEPOD???


Thanks KKKarl!


Fucking great episode Karl. The Todd shit was priceless as usual. The Perez Hilton drop might be the best drop you have. It's beyond hilarious. I also pulled up the OA bits talking about Terry Clifford and was on the floor. It was pretty crazy hearing Opie actually be funny sometimes.


It's genuinely shocking to hear Jim Breuer go from being a hyperactive dry drunk to... whatever the hell he is now. And I can only imagine that his daughter perfectly represents the intellect and attitude of the vast majority of 20 year-old college students these days. He better be careful she doesn't secretly record him saying anything 'problematic' and leak it to the internet.


Patrick Michael's bold declaritive statements are my favourite part of his personality. Because they're said with the certainty that only the truly stupid possess.


You guys are fucking nuts, Back to the Future 2 is superb. One of the best sequels of all time. How can a guy who does a movie podcast have such a shit taste in movies?


Oooooiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!! The moment i said out loud how C R A N G E something was....Cringe of the week jingle pops in lol. Loved it


I actually think Trump did a pretty good job.


love Opie ep. 😂😂