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The group expands even more! Mia best girl!

PS: This is the last episode until Monday, some things got in the way so I won't be able to finish it this week!



Yep, basically the only thing the intros spoil are the member ambiguity. It'll be the same for Superstar. This is my favourite episode of the season, and it's a fairly great one to do solo. Mia has four solo songs as of now. They're not plot relevant, though there is some sort of pseudo-plot if you listen to them in release order. I think Shu has some songs on YouTube. The one I Remember the most being the アイドル cover.


I just remembered, within the next three episodes or so, there's a bit of a translation error/culture shock that confuses some people. I just want to warn you so you don't feel weird if it happens to you, but I obviously won't explain it now.


I will keep it in mind, I feel like I've seen that in some other anime before, so we should be good!


I didn't see if you had reacted to it live yet, I know this comment is coming way later. I've been deeply enjoying watching your reactions. I'm so happy I found someone to react to the series I love the most. Anyways.. Here is a link to Shu performing Stars We Chase live. I love Mia a lot and this is one of my favorite live performances https://youtu.be/9RLgwQRaQAA?si=dhrY0w1q3JehSWr8