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Oh it's all coming together now



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At minute 0:50. In the previous episode, Madoka and Iroha actually destroyed the mechanism that was attracting the witches to Kamihama, they didn't destroy the Embryo Eve. Since I recently watched the anime again, I realized that in the following episodes they don't finish explaining the doppel system with the new information from this episode, but if we connect everything we can understand how it works. So what I'm going to mention wouldn't be a spoiler but rather an explanation putting together everything that has been learned so far, since I think there is a detail that they are not going to explain (at least that's what I think, I watched the anime in Spanish and in my subtitles they didn't explain it like that in the following episodes). So the following is just to put together all the information so far and clarify a few things. The objective of Ui, Touka and Nemu in this episode is to create a self-purification system so that magical girls don't become witches. Ui was supposed to collect those impurities so that Touka could transform those impurities into energy and then Nemu could transmit them to the universe, that is, what Kyubey does but without the Grief Seeds. Since now Ui's soul is inside baby Kyubey, now the one who indirectly collects those impurities is Embryo Eve (this is the important part, which I at least noticed they don't explain, I think because it could be deduced since Ui couldn't stop absorbing impurities, therefore Embryo Eve shouldn't either). According to what we know about doppels, when a magical girl is about to become a witch, a part of her body is the one that transforms and the doppel appears, and when it disappears the impurities are absorbed by Embryo Eve. Initially, since Embryo Eve is small, it can only absorb impurities from a small area, that's why they want it to grow by eating witches to cover a much larger area. The other thing that they don't explain much either, although it can be understood, is the barrier that Alina Gray created around Kamihama in this episode, I think it serves to contain the impurities and not escape beyond the range of what Embryo Eve can absorb and I think also so that impurities do not enter from outside (in reality this concept is shown first in this episode when it helped contain Ui so that she does not receive more impurities), that is why the doppel system only works in Kamihama despite the fact that Embryo Eve has grown and can cover a larger area. Apart from that, Alina Gray's barrier makes it so that Kyubey cannot enter the city of Kamihama (in season 1 it is shown that if Kyubey tried to enter his body would stop moving and that is why he sent Mami to investigate what was happening). Now about Touka, it could be said that when UI's existence disappears, that void would be filled in her mind making her believe that Embryo Eve is the self-purification system that they had initially planned.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you for the explanation! I think I understand it pretty well now thanks to this.

Harley Burnie

Wow.......I managed to avoid and forget the third season. Wtf, me?!? I am a little upset at the moment. I guess I'm damn glad that you ended up reaching to this series.