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Kuroe is a real one



Watch "2magia3Uncut" on Streamable.


Harley Burnie

23:52 Seeing Yachiyo cry is just too damn much. 24:05 The pinnacle of IrohaxYachiyo shippery. Even without romance, the intense connections between different pairs of girls all feel fulfilling and lovely. 25:00 Usually, "better safe than sorry," but the ED for this episode is all chill on spoilers. They put so much effort into this one, to go with the song, and to showcase the blessing of the feeling between the girls, I NEED you to watch this one. I don't remember if this is the ED for the rest of the season, but if it isn't, you'll be pissed if you miss it now. Just magical girls in cute gowns doing some obscene handholding(interlocking fingers!!!!). 26:20 This scene is unreasonably powerful for it just being Madoka checking her text messages in a rainy alleyway. We just rarely get to see Madoka serious af. Love it.

Harley Burnie

Btw, what made you think there would be spoilers for the ED? I'm just curious.