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This felt like a fever dream, insanity



Watch "100gf8Uncut" on Streamable.


Harley Burnie

10:38 Favorite moment of the entire series. In their drug-addled minds, they can't help but accept the love they have for each other, as well as for Rentaro. Sure, it's a hilarious gag, but it also means something very genuine and hopeful for a positive, loving future. 18:14 Those "The Shining" references never not work. 19:06 The real fake-out ending credits was masterful and fing hilarious!!!! 22:40 Honestly, the least realistic scene in the anime. Her drugs did almost do irreparable damage, ending the normal lives of 4 girls. There really, REALLY should be legit consequences for such a stupid decision. But, if there's "kiss zombies," there's unconditional forgiveness, too, I guess. Drugs- not bad Drugging people without their consent- mega bad, m'kay? 23:20 "I'm so wet right now." I think we've got a good, solid image of the sort of folks doing the English subtitles for this show, no? I feel like I know them.

Dennis Janssen

Ah well this episode is so good. Its such a ride. Nothing more to say.