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Insane revelations, my mind was blown



Watch "whisper10Uncut" on Streamable.


Harley Burnie

Episode 10-(Again, it is slightly possible this shite could be randomly inserted later...but...) A truly LONG comment, but I truly feel like this stuff REALLY matters to the characters and their feelings, and I seriously love this series. The anime looks just fine, but it doesn't actually tell the story. Damn it. They cut 98% of what makes a romance anime a "romance anime." The episode should have started with Yori and Himari at karaoke. They have a great time, with both loving the other's singing. Yori keeps looking at those cute lips she wants to conquer. They get food for a break, and Himari gives Yori a bite of her pasta(which idr if the anime showed how obsessed Himari is with pasta). Yori then loses it mentally, with that "indirect kiss" that just happened. "It's no good. Being all alone with my lover, in such a cramped space." she says to herself. Himari then shows Yori the video of Laureley that she posted. "It seems you're working pretty hard, Kino-san" Yori says while we can't see her eyes. "Yes! They're letting me be their manager!" "I see...." Then, Himari requests Yori sing the theme song from a bew drama series. It's a popular love sing, and she just loved hearing SHIHO SING IT. Yori doesn't take that very well. But then, Himari talks about how she didn't used to quite "get" love songs, but now that she is with Yori, she's "starting to understand." Himari then tries to kiss Yori. Yori pushes her away because her heart has jealousy in it, not purely love, at the moment. Himari seems to take that kinda badly. Then, as they are leaving, Yori sees a poster for a fireworks festival that next weekend and asks Himari to go. Then, it cuts to Himari, Miki, and Aki getting finished with their yukatas. Miki is comforting Himari about the date gone awkward, saying Yori probably has more romantic plans for their first kiss. Then, Aki's mom drives them to the festival. When Himari finds Yori, she almost dies from how dazzling Yori looks. Yori freaks out that Himari is with Aki and Miki. Turns out, no one told Yori that Himari's best friend is Aki's little sister. Himari takes Yori's hand, wirried if Yori would hate it. Yori pulls her hand away, scaring Himari, but then interlaces their fingers, saying "This is better." Himari and Yori take off and start having a brilliantly great time together. Then...Shiho calls out to Himari. "Hima. Fancy bumping into you!" Shiho then starts giving Yori shite about going on dates and enjoying summer, talking trash about the competition. Thankfully, Hajime clamps her hand over Shiho's mouth, since she is clearly being an asshole, smirking at Yori. Shiho says "Later, Hima. See you tomorrow." while patting Himari's head, side-eyeing Yori. Yori ends up looking all sorts of not okay. Himari asks to go get some takoyaki, and Yori says "Sure. Let's go." and starts walking off. Himari is concerned and tries to hold her hand again, but Yori pulls away, saying "Not...now." Himari freaks out, thinking she did something wrong, but trips and sprains her ankle. Yori helps her to sit and gets a cold wrap for the ankle. Himari then asks Yori if she upset her, if there's so.ething wrong with herself. "I don't want you to hate me." Yori can't really say anything other than "That's not it..." Himari has a flash of thought, and asks if it's to do with Shiho. Yori tenses up and goes quiet. Himari tells her "I can be think-headed. I need to know. Tell me." Yori comes clean, saying how she hates the manager arrangement, how she's worried Himari will find something else to love. When Himari tries to say she wouldn't do that,Yori yells "I DON'T KNOW THAT!" Himari says she'll quite. That she feels bad for Laureley, but Yori is her #1. They have a decent talk, Yori saying everything, and Himari telling her that she loves her, and that if Yori gets worried, she can call any second, any time, and Himari will tell her everything. Then, the fireworks start, and they are sitting in perfect view of them. While Himari is bewildered and having a great moment, Yori asks if she can kiss here then. They have an awkward, 100% manga teenagers' kiss, and it looked beautiful. When they both say that they were too nervous to really have an impression, they go to kiss again, and a torrential rain starts falling. Well, it's okay, because Yori's place is close by. Short version, showers were had(oh my!!!), Yori told Himari she could stay the night since Yori's parents work out of town/country, and they end up having a sweet, wholesome, not-so-wholesome night in bed(not as NSFW as it sounds). I would bet good money that episode 11 is gonna disfigure what happens at the start, when SS's song writing starts, if only because that scene ends it ridiculously cute yuri, which doesn't seem to be the point of yuri animes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The cemetery visit was still a little ways off, but who gives a shite about tempo, right? And, when Momo was introduced to Shiho, is was as Kyou' lover, not just a friend that is girl. I'm guessing some folks are gonna miss that.

Harley Burnie

tl;dr for HELLA cut/changed content in episodes 9 and 10- It may, but I seriously doubt it, be in future episodes. Just....the next episode is titled the same as a chapter FIVE chapters past the band's backstory. Many redditors of r/yurimanga have dropped the anime due to the lack of respect and reverence it has shown. I mean, feel free to not read this if you think it may come later. The anime does chop up the plot like it's fajita meat. They cut the first date-date for the newish couple, where they almost kissed, but Himari can't shut up about the girl who hates Yori. They cut the summer festival where Yori and Himari talk a LOT about how messed up everything is between them, due to issues with Shiho. They cut Yori and Himari's first kiss, under the fireworks. They cut Himari saying the night at Yori's place(too damn cute!! How could you leave it out?!?!?) They cut a bunch of moments that actually express how Yori is tormented by her own emotions and how Himari is in the enemy's camp.