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My heart is struggling to keep up with the cuteness



Watch "dangers5Uncut" on Streamable.


Harley Burnie

16:00 This quiet little instrumental number has me trained hard to feel the meaningfulness, the "one chance to experience this 'First Time'" energy, the romance of what we are seeing on screen. Also, it just sounds so damned good!!! Like magick. It feels good.

Harley Burnie

27:40 I'm actually gonna have to disagree with you on this point. I think it's been pretty decent chance that Yamada has already acknowledged that she feels affection for him and not just in a "let's be friends" way. She may not have actively told herself "Ara ara, I like this guy," but she clearly feels that there is a connection there that she can't stop focusing on. I mean, she's clearly as awkward as it gets with expressing deeper thoughts. Then again, Kyo seems to be her only guy friend, so she may be oblivious to how her feelings towards him are different from her "boyfriend" or their group. I just always felt like she knows that she is up to something. It seemed like that I'd where her confidence and lack of freaking out at their suddenly close moments. Whatever. It's just fun to think about, right?