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What an incredible character Todo is



I think Mahito by saying that they are the same he meant that they don't search for justification of what they do. Itadori doesn't reason like for example Fushiguro that "this person is good so I should save them". Itadori saves someone no matter what, just for the sake of saving. He doesn't reason that it will be somehow beneficial to society or something like that he just thinks it's right to save others. The same way he doesn't need reason to save, Mahito deosn't need reason to kill. Jogo fights and kills for the sake of making curses to have position of humans. Mahito doesn't really care that much about it. For example he wanted to kill Itadori even though it lowers their chances of succeeding(losing sukuna). Itadori saves for the sake of saving and Mahito kills for the sake of killing. They do oposite things but with the same reasoning.


That actually makes a lot of sense, that's why Mahito is such an incredible villain. Thanks!