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Now it's the end of part 2. Looks like things are taking a change of pace now that alot has been revealed. I really love this comic series. The story, the characters it's all fantastic. The sex scenes were so hot 🔥. I like the relationship between Theodore and Russell. They deserve to be happy together. It's unfortunate that their secret life is interfering with their happiness. Now that they know the truth about each other it could bring them closer together. But first they have to do something about Shadowbull. Hopefully they can figure out what to do about him. I'm looking forward to seeing A Place to Belong part 3 😁. There is alot I want to see in the comic. I want to know more about the shadow stone and the sun stone, how did Theodore and Russell find the stones and become Shadowbull and Fire Tiger? Why is Shadowbull so interested in having Theodore as his host? Could it be since he knows Theodore is Fire Tiger and therefore he would be out of the way and Shadowbull can do what ever he wants or could there be another reason? What ever the case may be I can't wait to find out. Great job Darknessminotaur. I really enjoyed reading this comic, your art work is outstanding.