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The Valeyard

"If I could, I'd make a deal with God and I'd get him to swap our places."


Hehehee...I think the dark spirit just got tricked


Looks like a deal will be been made. Shadow Bull gets a new host and Theodore gets to protect Russell. You really love someone when you're willing to sacrifice your freedom for them. Oh Theodore, Russell is so lucky to have you in his life. Not to mention Russell was willing to give up everything to keep Theodore safe. Theodore and Russell deserves to be happy together. But the way things are going who knows if it's even possible. But either way it's an interesting turn of events. I wonder if Shadow Bull has his own agenda now that he found a new host? Shadow Bull probably value Theodore more as a host now that he knows he's also Fire Tiger. With Fire Tiger out of the way Shadow Bull will be free to do what he wants. Now that a deal has been made we will see if Shadow Bull will keep his end of the deal. Nicely done Darknessminotaur. I like how the color of Shadow Bull keeps changing just like looking at different parts of the Galaxy. I'm looking forward to see the next page of your comic. Keep up the good work.