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[POLL/アンケート] Number of Images in a Set / セットに含まれる画像の数

  • I want fewer but carefully handpicked images in a set / 少ないけれども注意深く選ばれた画像のセットが良い 73
  • I'm fine with the way you distribute your rewards (more unfiltered images) / 今のままの方法で報酬を共有してもらって構わない(未編集の画像が多くても大丈夫) 140
  • 2024-06-29
  • —2024-06-30
  • 213 votes
{'title': '[POLL/アンケート] Number of Images in a Set / セットに含まれる画像の数', 'choices': [{'text': 'I want fewer but carefully handpicked images in a set / 少ないけれども注意深く選ばれた画像のセットが良い', 'votes': 73}, {'text': "I'm fine with the way you distribute your rewards (more unfiltered images) / 今のままの方法で報酬を共有してもらって構わない(未編集の画像が多くても大丈夫)", 'votes': 140}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 30, 3, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 29, 7, 23, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 213}


Hi! After checking out the membership survey/feedback by Patreon, I have found out that some members or former members have been disappointed by the sets I'm making. And it's particularly about the number of images included in the sets I'm making.

As indicated in my posts, I mentioned in the disclaimer that most of the images in the set are dump files. Meaning, the set is basically unfiltered. So, it is expected that the set has a large number of "repetitive" looking images. That's because it is some sort of "pool of generated images" in which I select the best images for my manga/comic if ever I decided to make one. In short, the reason why I generate lots of images of one specific scene is to get the best images as much as possible.

So why are those images in the sets? Why do I give it to my supporters? Shouldn't I filter and sort it out and just send out the best images of each scenes?

Yes, that was actually my plan.

BUT, selecting and sorting them out also consumes a lot of time for me. Why?

Limiting the set into a specific number would mean I have to select and decide which images to include from hundreds of images I generated. And it's not an easy task if you want to give the best ones to your supporters. Not to mention, I'm also generously posting some of it to my Pixiv for the public to see as well. That's why I decided to just give/share whatever I generated to my supporters.

Yet, instead of appreciating that good gesture, I got criticized because of it. And somehow that lowers my morale and motivation to create these sets every day after work.

So, in this poll, I would like to know what most of my supporters want. Do you want lesser but carefully handpicked images in a set, or do you like the way I share the rewards as it is?

Whichever wins, I'll stick to that and I won't take the criticisms seriously ever again...www

Like I said before, these rewards, these are from my personal collections which I decided to share to my supporters here in Patreon. So, I'm not making these sets because of someone's requests or whatever, these are the sets I always wanted to make for myself that's why I make as much images as much as I want to. Sorry for the long post. Thank you always for your support.

Please be also reminded that these Patreon rewards are for you, my supporters. If you decided to share it to others and they complain about the number of repetitive-looking images, tell them "it's not for you, that set is shared to me as a supporter so shut your fuckin' mouth"...www












Jared M Kennedy

Do you man. That's why there should be a separate commission tier and limited as well. And don't feel bad either. you should like what your doing without the patrons decision unless being paid a higher tier.You have to ask the question to yourself why do my patrons like my renders? That's easy bc they saw your renders first not renders that were based on commission. Most famous Artist started that way. Let's put it this way if you started with commissions first your imagination would be limited as well. Art for art sake pal that's how it should work. Don't get burnout bc some patron doesn't like something. I agree that I have left some AI renderers bc they use a pattern of the same positions and different character. I'm a patron bc I like that you use dump files and you pick the best ones or fix ones from image to image you don't have a pattern. Also got tired of the same sexual pose. Feed back is good from your patrons but also every patron is a critic lol. If you have 30 percent of the patrons that want lower quantity images that are precise of what they want then beyond all means create a commission tier and jack the price up. Then show your work to the other lower patrons and have a good night sleep. 30 percent is a good number, if it was 50 percent I would have been based on quality of work and feed back would be a good thing to change that. Well sensei your already doing what most people already want.


Thanks man. I guess I just wanted to give back something for the support that everyone is giving. And knowing some supporters got disappointed with my works made me feel like their support got wasted. Not trying to please every one, but such feedbacks also affects the way I work with these sets. I can't ignore those kind of feedbacks as well, but yeah I guess it's something that some people misunderstood. The rewards here are purely something I want to give back to all the supports I'm receiving. That's why I never put my rewards on monthly paywall. It's not a paywall reward in the first place hehe... That's the reason why I started and keeping this Patreon in the first place, because I can't stop giving back while there are people supporting my works. I'm glad that some people understand that, maybe I'm just tired and overthink trivial things like this. But yeah, gotta listen to the majority as well. Yes, I'm considering the commission tier now. Just not sure how I'll manage my time making each one while also working on the sets in my list which are also rewards for you my supporters (^^;

Jared M Kennedy

make it limited for example one per month for precise images and when you feel like your able to do more then add more