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The comics is currently in the translation process. (1 or 2 day from this post ) 

And I have the idea to send a comics to inbox instead of uploading normally.

Someone suggested me about stealing some of my work for publication.

All of which may start next month or January

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Right now I have a lot of work left behind. And when the work is finished, I will resume the lanxus series. Continue

I thank everyone very much for waiting. Making a cartoon is very hard for me, but it gives me experience and I want it to be worth it. What you paid for me



สู้ๆครับคุณ LucusOLD ผมรอผลงานของคุณอยู่ตลอดเลยนะครับ แต่คุณอย่าหัดโหมมากไปนะครับเดียวจะเสียสุขภาพเอา